The Artistry of Crafting Premium E-Commerce Experiences.

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Companies spend millions on multi-channel campaigns that define them and what they stand for — a message that typically lasts for a few months until fatigue kicks in. Meanwhile, people are self-willingly visiting your online store to evaluate the actual product you have to offer. This is an underesitmated opportunity to create an emotional bond with your new customer.

We believe in human connection with brand values. When embedding the brand experience into the online shopping experience, it is possible to create a seamless funnel for consumers to reach the product without losing emotional connection. Our mission is to make people feel great while interacting with the brand online, and shopping is a very natural consumer incentive to explore.

Make tech your best friend

The last thing you want if you have high ambitions for your brand is to be held back by technology. As a tech-oriented creative agency, we spend a lot of time solving data problems and eliminating bottlenecks for our clients. Not just because it’s fun, but it’s also important that technology gives you the ability to change and replace services, grow, scale, and invest in line with your ambitions — without getting stuck in technical debt and having to spend all your money arguing with technology.


Our tech strategy is to compose an architecture of micro-services and platforms that are glued and stitched together in a low-code cache layer on edge before serving a global commerce storefront. For you, this means being able to pick & choose the best services for your business without lock-in or performance loss. For us, it means that we can focus on what we do best — speed, stability and total freedom in the presentation layer.

Never fail

One of the key challenges with composable e-commerce is the ability to scale and deploy websites in a secure and fail-safe way from a diverse stack of microservices. Exposing errors or slowness to end users is very bad news for the overall brand connection and conversion. To solve this, we have developed a battle-tested accelerator for content creators that allows them to edit, preview, review, and publish changes, from any CMS, platform or service, on global edge CDN with minimal risk and full control over what and when new content gets deployed.

Hedge your bets

Headless essentially means decoupling the backend from the frontend. While it may initially introduce complexity and choice overload, diversifying your tech stack over time has numerous benefits, such as:

  1. Infinite speed and traffic – the frontend takes the hit without slowing down the backend.
  2. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket - free yourself from dependence on a single agency or platform.
  3. Personalize the shopping experience for each customer.
  4. Build app-like experiences for mobile users with short attention spans.
E-commerce is not a vending machine — it is the global playground where all your future customers come to see what you got on the table.

A really well designed e-commerce experience is when every interaction feels so natural that you don’t even have to think about what your are doing. When you can almost feel the quality of the product through the pixel perfect interface that reacts in the most obvious way.

This requires not only an immerse engagement in the art of crafting premium interfaces. It also requires knowledge of things like conversion psychology, platform limitations, GraphQL mutations, machine learning, WCAG standards, legal boundaries, global markets, certificates and cloud deployments.

We only work with the best

One of the most common questions we get is what platform or service is best for your needs. While we always recommend you do extensive, unbiased research before making a final call — our experience with a vast range services and platforms over the years migh help you on the right track. Here are some of our favorites:

Centra is becoming the no#1 commerce platform for established brands in Europe, thanks to a powerful market/language decoupling strategy and their excellent B2B module. We have been working closely with their team since day one as a premium partner, creating some of the most talked-about storefronts for brands on their platform.

Shopify is the world’s largest e-commerce platform, with great integrations and a simple user interface. It is especially well suited for new brands seeking insights into how their product strategy will work on a few key markets, before scaling up on a richer platform. We use Shopify as we use everything else - headless and cached on edge, for the best possible performance and scalability.

Crystallize is a headless e-commerce platform, ideal for rich product catalogs, customizable for building configurators and contextually anchored experiences. It also features a built-in visual CMS and native GraphQL support.

Storyblok is our go-to headless CMS for e-commerce where content really matters. The integrated visual editor makes it easy for global teams to create and preview content collaboratively and intuitively. We offer several integrations and apps that connects other data sources and platforms for a smooth merchandizing experience.

Contentful is a data-driven headless CMS suitable for large teams. It has strong enterprise support with multiple languages, roles, and a rich ecosystem. The separation between content & presentation makes it easy to re-use data in multiple channels, and the open app architecture lets us build custom merchandising tools and data models.

AI-powered merchandising is on the rise and can boost productivity for brands that wants to automate and optimize product selections, even for smaller brands. We offer built-in data-driven tools for intelligent product relations, search relevance and filtering, as well as integrations to services like Depict and Algolia.

We strongly believe in building communities and customer loyalty around the e-commerce experience. We use social sign-in and custom integrations with several CRM systems into our stack, including but not limited to: Yotpo, Voyado, Rule, Mailchimp, Klayvio, Salesforce, Firebase, etc.

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Going global?

Learn how independent brands can incrementally expand into new markets with a single backend and a small content team.How to localize your e-commerce

Your personal team of experts.

The best way to explore how you can build a stronger brand through e-commerce technology is to talk to us. We are here to help!Get in touch